Connecting a potentiometer or analog joystick – Pololu Simple User Manual

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Limit/Kill Switches

Unused RC channels can also be used as limit or kill switches. For example, you could use an RC signal as a kill
switch to stop your autonomous, serially-controlled robot if it gets into trouble. When configured as a limit or kill
switch, if the channel’s value exceeds more than half of its “forward” value, the switch is activated. We recommend
you use the Channel Setup Wizard (click the “Learn…” button in the Simple Motor Control Center) for any RC
channel you configure as a limit or kill switch.

4.4. Connecting a Potentiometer or Analog Joystick

Simple Motor Controller can be directly connected to a 0 to 3.3 V analog voltage source, such as a potentiometer
or analog joystick, allowing for simple manual motor control (e.g. easily control motor speed with a knob). The
analog inputs can serve several functions, from directly controlling the motors (Analog input mode) to sending signals
to an autonomous robot (Serial/USB mode) to providing limit or kill switch inputs (any input mode). The Simple
Motor Controller can derive motor speed from a single analog input channel, or it can mix the signals on both analog
channels to generate the motor speed, which makes intuitive throttle+steering control of a differential-drive robot
possible using a pair of Simple Motor Controllers. Typical analog voltage sources can be powered directly from the
Simple Motor Controller.

Simple Motor Controller 18v7 analog connections.

Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

4. Connecting Your Motor Controller

Page 40 of 101