Install software – Opticon RFS 6000 User Manual
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& S
RFS 6000
To allow easy updates of firmware, the
controller is equipped with a flash-ROM. This
ROM can be erased, and then the user can
install new firmware.
Install needs
To install Opticon firmware sucessfully on the
controller you need:
PC with windows95/98/2000 environment
Opticon installation software ‘appload’
version EAGV0106 or higher.
Opticon software for RFS6000 version
IBBV0102 or higher.
The program ‘appload’ can be obtained from
the Opticon internet site or your local dealer.
Install notes
Firmware loading settings:
Only the COM port and software needs to be
set in ‘appload’. Other details like baudrate,
number of databits, etc. are irrelevant for
loading firmware to RFS6000.
Installation failure:
The firmware installation will not affect the
boot loader program in the RFS6000. When
the installation fails, simply switch the
RFS6000 off and back on, and repeat the
Downloading and installing sequence:
Connect the RFS6000 to a PC that runs
Make sure the RFS6000 is switched off.
Start the program 'appload' on the PC.
Check the version. This should be
EAGV0106 or higher.
Make sure that the right COM port is
selected in 'appload'. To do this, select
menu item 'Settings' - 'Port' and select the
port whereto the controller is connected.
Select the menu item 'File' - 'Download'.
A dialog box will pop-up where you can
select the software for the RFS6000.
Wait for pressing the open button.
Switch the RFS6000 on. The unit will start
blinking the red LED.
While the red LED is still blinking return to
the dialog box on the PC and select the
'Open' button. The software will start the
downloading automatically.
When the red LED already lights continuously,
downloading is not possible anymore. To
return to download mode simply switch off
the controller and then switch back on.
Check the progress bar of ‘appload’ to
reach 100%. At that moment the software is
installed. The unit will restart automatically,
and starts running the newly installed