NTi Audio Digilyzer DL1 User Manual

Page 34

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Audio data: The two lines represent the 20 bit audio word for both


• LSB on the left side, least significant bit

• MSB on the right side, most significant bit

The right bits always have to be active. In case some of the left bits

are constantly 0, the resolution of the audio signal is obviously less

than the maximum of 24 bits (including the aux. bits). The number

of arrows from right to left may be counted to find the actual word

length or binary resolution.

Measurement Functions

Application hints:

• Any digital input signal causes that some of the MSB’s are

active. The Digilyzer counts the number of active bits and

displays the result as actual word length.

• Sometimes bits of the input signal are stucked on “0“ or “1“.

In such a case a device in the signal chain is defective, e.g.

a receiver or a transmitter.