Fast access setup – NTi Audio Digilyzer DL1 User Manual
Page 22

Basic Operation
Fig 4-09, Fast access setup screen
Fast Access setup
Some key combinations allow fast access to the most frequently used
settings. Pressing a hot key combination shows the FAST ACCESS
SETUP screen and changes the value. If you don’t remember the key
combinations just press ESC for two seconds and the FAST ACCESS
SETUP is displayed.
The symbolized keypad on the left part of the screen indicates the
hot keys function of the individual buttons. The actual adjustment is
shown on the right side of the display.
VOLUME, setting of speaker volume. The volume control and the
mute/unmute settings do not influence the analog monitoring.
Analog audio signals are made audible with the speaker, but no
measurement result is displayed. In this way analog audio signals
are immediately indicated to the user. To analyze an analog signal
the Minilyzer ML1 is recommended to be used.
AUT. GAIN CONTROL (AGC), all incoming signals are leveled to
the same loudness, even if the signals are -60 dBF. The AGC
amplifies a signal up to 140 dB, so even dithering noise on a silent
line is audible!
CONTRAST, setting of the display contrast. For the detailed readout
of fast changing display indications, e.g. SCOPE or VU+PPM, an
increased LCD contrast is recommended to be set.
ESC + enter,
AGC on/off
ESC + on/off,
ESC + up,
higher LCD
ESC + down,
lower LCD
ESC + right,
volume up
ESC + left,
volume down