Basic operation, Asic, Peration – NTi Audio Digilyzer DL1 User Manual

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4. BAsIC operATIoN

The operation of the Digilyzer is almost self-explanatory, despite the

wide range of available measurement functions.

The LCD is divided into the menu bar on top and the results displayed

below, showing various information about the current status.

To quickly get the required information press the enter / cursor keys

and the escape button to allow straightforward navigation through the

available features. The cursor position is represented by an inverted

display (white on black) of the field holding the cursor.

When the Digilyzer is on, it will utilize the same measurement function

settings as switched off the last time.

Fig 4-01, Control elements

Power On/Off-




Enter /

Cursor keys

Speaker at

the rear-side

Basic Operation