Operation – Lenze S94P01B2 User Manual

Page 57

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Importing the Position Tuning Program

Before importing the Position Tuning Program, the example programs must be installed
from the Documentation CD that shipped with the drive. If this has not been done then
please do so now.
To load the TuneP program file to the drive, select [Indexer Program] in MotionView.
Select [Import program from file] on the main toolbar. Navigate to [C:\Program Files\
AC Technology\MotionView6.xx\Help\940Examples]. If during the installation of the
Documentation CD files a different default directory was selected, then navigate to that
directory. Click on the [TuneP.txt] file and select [Open].


Editing the Position Tuning Program

The Tune Position Program performs trapezoidal moves in the forward and reverse
direction separated by a defined pause (or time delay).

The Accel, Decel, and MaxV variables within the TuneP program define the ramps and
steady state velocity that will be used to execute the motion commands.

ACCEL = 500

;500 rps*s

Accel = Acceleration speed

DECEL = 500

;500 rps*s

Decel = Deceleration speed

MAXV = 20

;20 Rps

MaxV = Maximum

The size of each move and the pause between the moves is defined in the following
lines of code. There are two moves and pauses for the forward and reverse moves to
be performed.

MOVED 0.25

;move 1 rev

MoveD = Move distance

wait time 200

;wait time to analyze ‘standstill’ stability

wait time = Delay period

MOVED -0.25

;move opposite direction 1 rev

wait time 200

;wait time to analyze ‘standstill’ stability

Adjust these parameters if required to best suit the application before going to the next


Compile and Download Indexer Program to Drive

In the [Indexer Program] folder in MotionView, select [Compile and Load with Source]
from the pull down menu. The TuneP program will be compiled and sent to the drive.
Select [Run] from the pull down menu to run the TuneP program. Do NOT enable the
drive (via input A3) at this stage.