2 instrument description – JUMO 706581 LOGOSCREEN nt Operating Manual User Manual

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2 Instrument Description

The following fixed functions are available:

- difference

- ratio

- relative humidity

- moving average

For the moving average, the reference channel has to be entered (in most
cases, the analog input) and the time (in minutes). They will be used to
calculate the moving average.

The following operators and functions are available for formulas: +, -, *, /, (, ),
SQRT(), MIN(), MAX(), SIN(), COS(), TAN(), **, EXP(),
ABS(), INT(), FRC(), LOG(), LN().

On going above or falling below the scalable values, the math channel is
treated as for “out-of-range”.

Formulas are entered in the PC, in the setup program. It is not possible to edit
math formulas on the instrument.

Logic module

Up to 18 channels are available for the logic channels.

As is the case with all the other binary signals, the calculated digital (Boolean)
values can be used for different functions:

- recording in event traces,

- as a control signal for display switch-off,

- clock time synchronization,

- operating time counter,

- externally controlled counters/integrators

- counter/integr. reset

- event mode,

- for output to a relay and

- as count input for a counter.


Further information can be obtained from the instructions on the
setup program (B 706581.6).