Det-Tronics UD10 FlexVu Explosion-Proof Universal Display Unit User Manual

Page 16

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UD10 Output Trim
To calibrate the UD10 output loop, navigate down the

menu to Display Test > D/A Trim.

Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test

Display Test

Self Test
Response Test
Loop Test
D/A Trim

D/A Trim

Zero Trim
Gain Trim

Select Zero Trim. When this screen is entered, a warning

message is presented. Select ENTER to continue.

When the message “Connect Reference Meter” is

presented, install the current meter on the UD10 mA

output. Select ENTER to continue. When the message

“Set Output Current to 4mA?” is presented, select

ENTER to begin the Zero Trim function. The UD10

will now set its 4 mA output value. If the measured

value on the current meter is not 4.00 mA, enter the

measured value into the UD10 using the Previous and

Next switches. The UD10 calculates and corrects for

the difference between the actual and entered values.

When the current meter value is at the desired 4.00 mA,

select ENTER to accept the new zero trim value.

Select Gain Trim. Follow the same procedure for gain/

span calibration.

The following tests are available for verifying proper

operation of various functions of the gas detection

– The Self Test, Response Test, and Loop Test are

accessed from the “Display Test” screen. (A “Device

Test” screen is available for performing the same

tests on HART enabled detectors.)

– The Proof Test is performed by applying test gas

to the sensor. It is not accessed from the “Display

Test” screen and does not inhibit the outputs.

Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test

Display Test

Self Test
Response Test
Loop Test
D/A Trim

This test commands the UD10 to perform a fully

automatic internal test. At the completion of the test,

the UD10 will indicate a pass or fail.

Response Test
This test inhibits the UD10’s outputs, thereby providing a

means of testing the system by applying gas to the detector

without activating any alarms or affecting the output.


If the Response Test is not terminated by the
operator, the test will automatically time out after
ten minutes and the UD10 will return to normal

loop Test
This test temporarily forces the UD10’s 4-20 mA output

to a specific level. This is an easy way to test the output

signal of the UD10 for accuracy, to verify the capabilities

of the system, and to verify the input signal of a receiver.

To perform this test, connect a current meter to the

output loop. Navigate to Display Test and select Loop

Test, then follow the prompts on the UD10 Screen.


If the Loop Test is not terminated by the operator,
the test will automatically time out after one minute
and the UD10 will return to normal operation.

proof Test
A Proof Test (bump test) can be performed at any time

to verify proper operation and calibration of the system.

Since this test does not inhibit the UD10’s outputs, secure

any output devices prior to performing the test to prevent

unwanted actuation.

There are two separate histories, one for the display

and one for the detector (if available). Both will state

the number of hours that the unit has been operating,

and the highest and lowest recorded temperature (with

time and date stamp).