Balancing your first tire – COATS 1100 Series Balancer User Manual

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Important: Always read and follow instructions.

Balancing Your First Tire


Turn the machine OFF then ON

(resets machine).

The machine wakes up using

standard clip-on wheel weight

locations (Clip 1 & Clip 2) and

wheel dimensions.


Mount a tire/wheel onto

balancer that will use standard

clip-on wheel weights.

Use the most appropriate mounting method.


Always remove any weights

already attached to the wheel.


Enter A & D wheel dimensions

using offset arm.

For Automatic Measurement — pull offset arm

out to the wheel, hold it still at clip-on weight

position against wheel flange, and wait for

BEEP. Return arm to home position.

Clip-on Weight Location — viewed on a cut-

away rim for clarification.

Figure 2 - Clip-On Weight Location

Note the value entry of A & D dimension.


Enter Width wheel dimension.

For Manual Entry — Use plastic calipers to

measure wheel width. Press W key. Press Up

or Down arrow to enter Width value (between

2.0 and 14.0 inches).


Lower Wheel Guard; wheel spins

and unbalances are measured

and displayed.

The corrective weight amount appears in the

weight display window for inboard and out-

board weight locations.


Raise hood after tire stops


Note: Wait for wheel to stop before raising the

wheel guard.


Rotate wheel until Inboard

weight position bar blinks.

Note: If an inboard corrective weight is not

required then go to step 10.


Attach inboard corrective


Attach specified weight amount at top-dead-

center on inside flange of wheel (clip 1).


Rotate wheel until Outboard

weight position bar blinks.


Attach outboard corrective


Attach specified weight amount at top-dead-

center on outside flange of wheel.


Lower the hood to respin the

tire/wheel and check balance.

The weight readings should now be 0.00.

Note: Throughout this manual tire dimensions

are referred to as A, W, and D, see figure 3.

Figure 3 - A, W, and D Tire Dimensions