2N OfficeRoute - User manual, 1493 v1.9.0 User Manual

Page 78

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Figure 3.61: LCR Routes - Add Route Form

There is a route named 'Mobile Networks' in the figure above, which contains all GSM
modules. It is used at all defined time intervals without CLI restriction (CLIR may be
used for mobile networks only).

The form contains the following fields

Route name – The route name may contain any alphanumerical characters.
Refer to the LCR rules in the preceding section.
Lines of route – List of available lines that form a group. To select/remove a
line click on the respective item with the left-hand mouse button. You can select
more list items at the same time by pushing the CTRL key along with the mouse
click. The selected items are illuminated blue.
Time intervals – Define the routing rule time validity.
CLIP/CLIR – Enable/disable the caller's identification.
CLIP routing – Define the CLIP routing table of the route. It contains mappings
between CLIP (the calling party number), usually the number of the SIP
extension, and single line in the route. If the related route and CLIP routing (as a
type of routing) are chosen in a LCR rule, calls will use specific lines according to
the CLIP. If you want to put more CLIPs in the same raw, use ";" as a separator.
Put a raw with empty CLIP field at the end of the table to route calls when no
CLIP match was found (unknown CLIP). Don't create that raw if you want to deny
calls with unknown CLIP.

Figure 3.62: LCR Test

Description – Any text describing the meaning of an item.