2N OfficeRoute - User manual, 1493 v1.9.0 User Manual

Page 50

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Obrázek 3.28: Group Adding Form

The form in Fig. 3.28 contains the following fields:

Group name – Unique identifier.
Rights – Parts of the system to be made available.
Rights denied – Parts of the system to be barred.
Description – Any text that describes the meaning of a group.

The web interface is divided into parts to/from which access rights can be
assigned/removed. The checkboxes in the above-mentioned forms, one pair per group,
are used for right group and user account setting. They are as follows:

USERS+LINES+LCR – Whole system.
USERS – Definition of the user accounts and groups.
LINES – Communication line settings.
LCR – Least Cost Router configuration.

Ring Groups

To add a ring group click on the Add group

icon in the right-hand bottom corner.

Use digital characters for the group name only as the group name is identical with the
group telephone number.

Obrázek 3.29: Ring Group Adding Form

Tick off the checkboxes to assign the extensions and their Mobility Extension numbers
to the members of a new ring group.