6 free minutes option, Basic description, Parameters – password access – 2N Analogue GSM gateway 2N EasyGate PRO - Manual, 1749 v1.03 User Manual
Page 61

Free minutes option
4.6 Free minutes option
Basic description
With Firmware 3.5x only!
Free minutes option allows user to control amount of minutes used for four groups of
operators in one month period. The user than knows, if performed calls are included in
free minutes bundle, or if he has to pay extra price for it. Calls for extra price can be
disabled. All setting done by customer is accessible by DTMF setting.
Setting of prefixes (operators) in four banks can be changed using PCManager. This
setting, the amount of free minutes in every bank and rules for time counting are
preset from factory.
Programming of parameters is done the same way like programming of all other
gateway parameters. To change free minutes option parameters, you can either:
· Use the DTMF programming on a telephone line. There are parameters, which
can be programmed using telephone line based programming with password
access as described in part 3.1 and commands with direct access, used the
same way as command for configuration of network services as described in
part 4.1.
· Use a PC with the PCManager installed.
Parameters – password access
Call with empty bank permitted
Function No.: 310
The call with empty Bank is either disabled or permitted. When the bank is
empty, you hear after dial refusing tone. With call disabled is followed by
Busy tone and the call can’t be established. With call permitted you can
hang up the call, otherwise the call is established and charged.
Setting options: 0/1 (disabled / permitted)
Default setting: 0
Date for automatic refill
Function No.: 311
The day in month, when all four banks of free minutes will be refilled with
predefined values. The refilling is done in time 00:00:01 of selected day.
When the date for refill doesn't exist (31.2.), the refill is done first day after
this date (1.3.).
Setting options: 0-31 (0 – function off)
Default setting: 0
Next automatic refill – information field
Minutes available till the end of billing period.