Usb driver instalation, Internet connection, Module driver installation – 2N Analogue GSM gateway 2N EasyGate PRO - Manual, 1749 v1.03 User Manual
Page 57: Apn setting, Network connection setting, Data connection using usb port 4.4

Data connection using USB port
USB driver instalation
For communication over USB port of EasyGate is necessary to install USB driver. The
installation is usually automatic after connection to USB port by delivered USB cable.
The connection is described in detail in part 3.1 - “Installation and setting of EasyGate
Internet connection
You can use the provider’s installation wizard in case it supports the module used in
gateway (Cinterion MC55i-w for GSM version, Simcom SIM5320E (A, J) for UMTS
version). When this wizard is not available, you have to use manual setting according
following instructions.
Module driver installation
For communication using module is necessary to install modem driver from CD-ROM
Easy Gate.
Driver for MC55i-w on CD is named: ‘mdm2n_vx.x.inf,x’ (x – driver version).
Drivers for SIM5320 are available for 32 and 64 bits Windows systems, they are
placed in appropriate directories.
APN setting
For internet connection is necessary to set the APN of your mobile provider. It could
be set in gateway using PCManager (GSM&SIM - GPRS APN) or in modem extra
settings in PC:
Example: at+cgdcont=1,"IP",""
APN name must be received from your mobile provider, in example is the APN of
T-Mobile Czech republic used.
Network connection setting
· Ask you mobile provider for Internet connection instructions because they can be
different for each provider (especially the telephone number to be dialed, eventually
Username, Keyword, DNS, etc.). Set phone connection in your PC using Network
connection setting and select appropriate modem. Set the connection parameters
(Username, Password, Dial number) according to information from your mobile
provider (obviously Username ‘internet’, Keyword is empty an Dial number
*99***1#). Finally use button ‘Dial’ to establish connection to internet.
Mobile providers mostly specify the *99# number to be dialed for GPRS
connection in their instructions. Cinterion GSM modules require the
*99***1# format.
Data connection - CSD or GPRS and other technologies?
CSD connection is used for data connection of two endpoints, similary as the data
connection of two modems in fixed network. The maximum CSD transmission rate is
14400 bps. GSM connection is reserved for the whole time of connection and calls are
charged according to the connection time. The CSD mode can provide data connection
of two PCs.