Menu equivalents for toolbar commands, Selecting elements – Apple WebObjects 3.5 Tools And Techniques User Manual

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Chapter 2

Editing With WebObjects Builder


1. Place the cursor where you want the element to appear on the page.

2. Click the toolbar button representing the element you want.

The element is placed at the cursor position.

3. Select the element (see “Selecting Elements”). In most cases, the element

is already selected when you create it.

4. Bring the Inspector to the front by clicking it. If it is not open, click


In the Inspector, you can set various properties of the element. For
example, you can change a paragraph’s type from plain to preformatted.

It’s useful to be aware of what happens when you have text or other elements
selected and you create a new element:

If the new element is a container element (that is, it can contain other
elements), the selected elements are “wrapped” or contained inside the
new element.

If the new element cannot contain other elements (for example, a horizontal
rule or image), the new element replaces the selection.

Menu Equivalents For Toolbar Commands

All the toolbar buttons have menu equivalents. This document refers to the
toolbar buttons, but of course you can use the menu commands as well:

The Elements menu contains equivalents for all the buttons that create
elements (that is, the switchable toolbar).

The Format menu contains equivalents for the buttons that affect the
selected text.

The Tools menu contains commands to open the Inspector and Palette
windows (and other commands).

Selecting Elements

There are several operations you perform in WebObjects Builder that require
you to select an element, such as copying, deleting, inspecting, or “wrapping”
one element inside another.

You select text elements as you would in most text-editing applications: by
dragging, or by double-clicking words, or by triple-clicking lines, or by Shift-
clicking. The selected text appears with gray shading.