Apple Workgroup Server 6150/66 User Manual
Page 135

security lock port 3, 4
security lock, attaching 4
self-terminating transceiver 17
server application programs
information about those included with
Workgroup Server xv
installing and starting 45–47
reinstalling 66
setting SCSI ID numbers 35–36, 37
setting system date and time 12
setting up SCSI devices 34–39
setting up the server 1–13
shared libraries 44, 57
Shift key 102
keyboard 99
mouse 99
Shortcuts item (in Guide menu) 99
Show Balloons item (in Guide menu) 98
shrinking Macintosh Guide window 97
Shut Down item (in Special menu) 13
Single Inline Memory Modules (SIMMs) 34
slot 25
control panel for 105–106, 107–108, 109
input port 3, 104
connecting external devices 105
stereo miniplug and 104
Input Source options for 106
sample rate for 107
source 107
output port 3, 104
connecting external devices 107
connecting speakers 108–109
stereo miniplug and 104
recording an alert 108
sample rate 107–108
Sound control panel 105–106, 107–108, 109
external 105, 108
in AudioVision monitors 5
special characters 102
Special menu
Restart item in 50
Shut Down item in 13
spills 77, 78
spoken commands 105, 106
standard monitors 5, 7
“standby” state when computer is off 10
starting the server
from the Install Me First floppy disk 62
from the Workgroup Server Software CD-ROM
disc 52, 55, 56, 60
problems with 12, 51, 53
using the CD-ROM drive 61
using the floppy disk drive 61
startup disk 57, 60–61
Startup Items folder 46
startup screen 11
static electricity, discharging 28
stereo miniplug 104-105, 108–109
stereo sound 103–109
StyleWriter II printer 40
System Folder 39, 44, 46, 49, 59, 66, 68
system software
clean installation of 66–68
copying to floppy disks 64
problems with 11, 52, 57, 60–65
reinstalling 60–63, 66–68
reinstalling CD-ROM software 69
Tab key 102
tape recorder, connecting 105
Technical Information booklet xv, 5, 34, 41
telecommunications 42
10BASE-T hub 18