Apple Workgroup Server 6150/66 User Manual

Page 128

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connecting and disconnecting 77
Ethernet 16, 17, 18, 19
external speaker 108
fiber-optic 19
keyboard 8
LocalTalk 20–21
monitor 7
mouse 8
thin coaxial (Ethernet) 17
twisted-pair (Ethernet) 18

capital letters 101, 102
Caps Lock key 101
carpal tunnel syndrome 83
case, cleaning 80
CD Remote program 109
CD-ROM disc, Workgroup Server Software 39, 52,

54–56, 60, 61, 62, 64, 69

CD-ROM drive xv, 2, 25, 104, 109

starting the server from 61

CD-ROM software, reinstalling 69
CDs, playing 104, 109
chair, adjusting for computer use 84-85
characters, special 102
Chooser 40

case 80
keyboard 78
monitor 81
mouse 81–82
spills 77, 78

clean installation of system software 66–68
Clear key 101
coaxial cable 16, 17
Command (

x) key 101


assigning to function keys 102
shortcuts for 99, 102

communications and fax software 42
communications card 15

internal 25
of your server 2

connecting equipment to the server

amplifier 105
audio devices 105
bar-code reader 41
external speakers 105, 108–109
GeoPort Telecom Adapter 42
graphics tablet 41
microphone 41, 105
modem 42
monitor cable 7
monitors 5–8, 40
mouse and keyboard 8
other devices 9
printer 40, 42
SCSI devices 34–39
tape recorder 105
trackball or other input device 41


adapter card 31
expansion slot 26, 29, 31
handling 77
stereo miniplug 104, 105, 108–109

contrast control 12
Control key 101
control panels

Memory 44–45, 57
Monitors 51
Network 22–23
PC Exchange 58, 59
removing 66
Sound 105–106, 107–108, 109

