BNC 645 User Manual

Page 181

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interface in a class while preserving the original interface implementation
so that it can be delegated to by the new interface implementation.
Browse the Visual C++ samples code; see Visual C++ DEVQUERY
Sample Application.

Using MEASure? for a Single Measurement

The following example uses the MEASure? command to make a single ac
current measurement. This is the easiest way to program the multimeter
for measurements. However, MEASure? does not offer much flexibility.
The example is shown in Visual Basic.

Creating the Application

Create a new Visual Basic project as follows:

1. Create a new Standar.EXE project.

2. To set the startup object for a Windows Application to Sub Main

3. Add New Module, and declare a Sub Main().

How to: Change the Startup Object for an Application
The Startup Object property for a project defines the entry point to be
called when the application loads; generally this is set to either the main
form in your application or to the Sub Main procedure that should run
when the application starts. Since Class Libraries do not have an entry
point, their only option for this property is (None).

For Windows Applications projects, only forms or classes with a Public
Sub Main procedure are available as Startup objects unless you check
the Startup with custom Sub Main checkbox; when this option is checked,
you must add code in the Sub Main procedure for the form.

Note: When using a custom Sub Main procedure as the Startup object,

code in the Application events (Startup, Shutdown, Startup Next
Instance, and Unhandled Exception) is not executed. The Startup Object
property can be set in the Application pane of the Project Designer.