BNC 645 User Manual
Page 164

generator waits for all pending operations to complete before executing
any additional commands. For example, the following command string
guarantees that the first trigger is accepted and the operation is executed
before the second trigger is recognized.
You can use the *OPC? (operation complete query) command or the *OPC
(operation complete) command to signal when the burst is complete. The
*OPC? Command returns “1” to the output buffer when the burst is
complete. The *OPC command sets the “Operation Complete” bit (bit 0) in
the Standard Event register when the burst is complete.
Query the trigger source. “IMM” or “BUS” or “EXT” string indicating the trigger
source will be returned.
TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive︱NEGative}
Specify whether the rising (positive) or falling (negative) edge of the trigger
signal is to be used for an externally-triggered sweep. The default is POS.
Query the trigger slope. “POS” or “NEG” string indicating the trigger slope will be
-- U --
Specified the unit of the starting phase for the burst with the BURS:PHAS
command. The default is DEG. Radians are not available from the front panel, so
if switching to the front panel operation after using radians on the remote
interface operation, the waveform generator automatically converts the unit
back to degrees for you.
“DEG” or “RAD” indicating the unit of the starting phase for the burst will be