4 query errors, 5 instriment errors, Uery – BNC 645 User Manual

Page 108: Rrors, Nstrument, 5 instrument errors, 6 self-test errors

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7.4 Query Errors


A command was received, but the output buffer contained data from
a previous command (the previous data is lost).


A query command was sent to read the output buffer over the
interface, but no such command that generates data to the output
buffer was previously sent for execution.


An executed command generated too much data for the output buffer
and the input buffer is also full. The command continues to execute
but the data is lost.

-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response

The *IDN? command must be the last query command within a series
of commands in a command string.

7.5 Instrument Errors

501 Cross-isolation UART framing error
502 Cross-isolation UART overrun error

Internal hardware failure.

580 Reference phase-locked loop is unlocked

The PHAS:UNL:ERR:STAT has been turned on and the internal
phase-locked loop is currently unlocked.

7.6 Self-Test Errors

621 Self-test failed; square-wave threshold DAC

A possible malfunctioning DAC, failed DAC multiplexer (U803) channels,