BNC 645 User Manual
Page 149

The marker frequency must be a value between the specified start and stop
frequencies. If you select an out-of-range value, a ”Settings conflict” error is
generated and the waveform generator will automatically set it to either the
start or the stop frequency depending on which is the closer one.
MARKer:FREQuency? [MINimum︱MAXimum]
Query the marker frequency.
MEMory:STATe:NAME {0︱1︱2︱3︱4} [,
Assign a custom name for the specified storage location. You can assign a name
to a location from either the front panel or the remote interface, but you can only
recall a state by name from the front panel.
The custom name can contain up to 12 characters. The first character must be
a letter (A-Z), but the remaining characters can be letters, numbers or the
underscore character (“_”). Blank spaces are not allowed. Assigning the same
name to different locations is allowed. You cannot assign a name to storage
location “0” from the front panel.
MEMory:STATe:NAME? {0︱1︱2︱3︱4}
Query the name of the specified storage location. If the specified location has no
custom name, its default name will be returned.
MEMory:STATe:DELete {0︱1︱2︱3︱4}
Erase the instrument state from the specified storage location, including the
custom name specified to that location, if any, and restore the default name.
You cannot recall the instrument state from a storage location that is empty or
an error will be generated.
Disable or enable the automatic recall of the power-down state from storage
location “0” when power is turned on. The default is OFF and it resets (*RST
command) the waveform generator when power is turned on.
Query the state of the automatic recall of the power-down state. “0” (OFF) or “1”
(ON) will be returned.