BNC 645 User Manual

Page 126

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automatically limited to 4k points. Extra points are removed using decimation.
Specify the frequency of the modulating waveform. This applies only when the
modulating source is internal. The range is from 2 mHz to 20 kHz and the default
is 100 Hz.
:FREQuency? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the internal modulating frequency. The frequency (in hertz) of the
internal modulating waveform is returned.
AM:DEPth {|MINimum|MAXimum}
Specify the internal modulation depth (or “percent modulation”) in percent. The
range is from 0% to 120% and the default is 100%.

• When an external source is selected, the modulation depth is controlled

by the ±5v external signal applied at the Modulation In connector on the
rear panel. Specifically, the output will be at the maximum amplitude
when the modulating signal is at +5v, and the output will be at the
minimum amplitude when the modulating signal is at -5v.

• The modulation output of Model 645 will not exceed ±5V peak (into a

50Ω load) even if the modulation depth is greater than 100%.

AM:DEPth? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the modulation depth in amplitude modulation. The modulation depth (in
percent) is returned.

AM:SOURce {INTernal|EXTernal}
Specify the modulating signal source. If an External source is chosen, the carrier
waveform is modulated with an external waveform. The modulation depth is
controlled by the ±5v external signal applied at the Modulation In connector on
the rear panel. Specifically, the output will be at the maximum amplitude when
the modulating signal is at +5v, and the output will be at the minimum
amplitude when the modulating signal is at-5v.

Query the modulating source in amplitude modulation. “INT” or “EXT” string
indicating the modulating source will be returned.