BNC 645 User Manual
Page 156

automatically limited to 4k points. Extra points are removed using decimation.
PULSe:PERiod {
Specify the pulse period. The range is from 200 ns to 2000 seconds. The default
is 1 ms.
The specified period must be greater than the sum of the pulse width and
the edge time, if not, the waveform generator automatically adjust the
edge time first and the pulse width (if needed) to accommodate the period.
Period ≧ Pulse Width + (1.6 x Edge Time)
Period ≧ (Period X Duty Cycle/100)+ (1.6 x Edge Time)
The specified period stays when the function changes. If you select pulse
waveform and specify the period by PULS:PER command, and then choose
another function, the period will be used on the new function.
If you change to a function whose minimum period is greater than that for
a pulse waveform, the period is adjusted to the minimum value allowed for
the new function. For example, if you output a pulse waveform with a
period of 200 ns and then change to the ramp function, the waveform
generator will automatically adjust the period to 5 µs (the lower limit for
ramps). A “Settings conflict” error will be generated and the period will be
PULSe:PERiod? [MINimum︱MAXimum]
The period of the pulse waveform will be returned in seconds.
Query the modulating function used in PWM. “SIN”, “SQU”, “RAMP”, “NRAM”,
“TRI”, “NOIS” or ”USER” string indicating the modulating function will be
PWM:INTernal:FREQuency {
modulation source is internal (PWM:SOUR INT). The range is from 2 mHz to
20kHz and the default is 10 Hz.