BNC 645 User Manual
Page 146

The symmetry setting does not apply when you use a ramp wave as the
modulating wave in AM or FM.
FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the current symmetry setting in percent.
FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle {
Specify the duty cycle percentage for square waves. Duty cycle represents the
time per cycle that a square wave is at its high level (supposing the waveform
polarity is not inverted). The default is 50%. The range is from 20% to 80%
when the waveform frequency is not greater than 10 MHz and from 40% to 60%
when the waveform frequency is greater than 10 MHz.
The APPLY commands overrides this command and sets the duty cycle to
The specified duty cycle is remembered and will be used when you change
the function and then come back to square waves.
The duty cycle setting does not apply when you use square wave as the
modulating wave in AM, PM, FM, or PWM. The duty cycle of 50% for square
waves is used.
When you use the square waveforms, but then later specify a frequency
that cannot produce the current duty cycle, the waveform generator
automatically adjust the duty cycle to accommodate the newly specified
frequency. From the remote interface, a “Settings conflict” error will be
FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the current duty cycle in percent.
Choose one of the five built-in arbitrary waveform functions, one of four
user-defined waveforms, or the waveform currently downloaded to volatile
The names of the five built-in arbitrary waveforms are “EXP_RISE”, “EXP_FALL”,
“NEG_RAMP”, “SINC”, and “CARDIAC”. The default is “EXP_RISE”. If a
waveform stored in volatile memory is desired, specify the VOLATILE parameter.
This command does not output the chosen waveform. Use FUNCtion USER