BNC 725 User Manual

Page 30

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resolution mode, the clock pulse and duration can range from 0.48 µs to 52.4 ms. In low
resolution mode, pulse and duration can range from 30.1 µs to 3.35 s.

To set the duration of the high state, select the timing units (seconds, microseconds, milliseconds
or nanoseconds) from the pop-up, then enter a duration in the Clock high duration box.

To set the duration of the low state, select the units, then enter the duration in the Clock low

A clock’s quiescent state is normally low (See Channel Properties: Quiescent States). Check the
Inverted output box if the quiescent state for the channel should be high instead.

To try Clock mode:

1. On the General Settings screen, select 100/64 (low resolution mode) for Channels A and


2. Click OK to save the change. A warning may appear listing channels for which the

clock range settings are invalid. Click OK to close the warning. The software will go into
“offline” mode allowing you to adjust the timing settings for the listed channels.

3. On Channel A’s Properties tab, choose Clocked Pulse Stream as the mode, select a

High duration of 100 ms and an Low duration of 500 ms.

4. Click OK.

5. Go “online” and click Program > Program all channels.

The signal at Output A will go high for 100 ms, go low for 500 ms and continue to repeat.

To test faster clock settings, select 100 (high resolution) mode under General Settings, then set
duration and delay times of less than 52 ms.