Logic assignments – BNC 725 User Manual

Page 18

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Logic Assignments

The logic processor assigns the combination of external inputs (in1–in8) and channel outputs
(outA–outG) that will trigger each channel. Logic assignments always appear in the following

[the channel to be triggered] = [the conditions that will trigger it];

External inputs and channel outputs feed into the logic processors; therefore, they appear only on
the right side of assignments. Logic processor outputs feed the timing channel inputs inA–inH;
these terms appear only on the left side of assignments.

Here is an example:

inB = in2;

This assignment means, “Channel B will be TRUE when Input 2 goes TRUE (reaches ~ 5 V).”

The assignment:

inB = not in2;

means “Channel B will trigger when Input 2 goes FALSE (drops below 0.2 V).”

You can employ compound arguments in logical assignments, such as:

inB = not outC and in2;

This means, “Channel B will trigger when the output of Channel C is FALSE and Input 2 is

This example is more complex still:

inB = (in1 or in2) and (outC or outD);

Here, Channel B requires a TRUE signal from Inputs 1 or 2, combined with a TRUE signal from
Channels C or D, in order to trigger.


Model 725 inputs are TRUE by default if nothing is connected (i.e., the input is

normally weakly pulled high). Grounding an input switches its state to a logical FALSE.