Lenovo System Update Solution User Manual
Page 33
Note: The default for this registry entry is SUPPORTCENTER. This default setting enables System
Update to search for update packages on the Lenovo Help Center Web site. When you change this
setting to a network share repository folder that you have created on your network, client computers
with System Update will be able to search for update packages on your network.
5. Replace the default value, SUPPORTCENTER, with your server and share name, for example:
Note: Distributed File System (DFS), a storage management solution, can be used to configure the network
share repository.
Working with multiple repositories
This multiple repository capability ensures that you are getting the latest version of an update package
while being offered with greater flexibility of package storage. When using multiple repositories, System
Update searches for update packages in the order of the repositories defined in the registry. System Update
searches each repository location and retrieves the latest version of an update package. Packages on the
Lenovo Help Center Web site will be the most current version. If a repository location is not found, System
Update will search the next numerical repository location. For example, if you remove the folder that points
to RepositoryLocation1, System Update will search RepositoryLocation2, and then RepositoryLocation3.
The following illustration shows the relationship among the Lenovo Help Center, a local system, a network
share, and System Update when using multiple repositories:
Local system
Lenovo Help Center
Network share
In this example, System Update will search the Lenovo Help Center Web site first, followed by the repository
folder on the local system, and then the repository folder on the network share:
• RepositoryLocation1 - Lenovo Help Center Web site
• RepositoryLocation2 - Local system
• RepositoryLocation3 - Network share
Creating and configuring multiple repositories with the registry
To create and configure multiple repository locations, do the following:
1. Create a new folder on a local hard disk drive to use as the repository, for example: