Number-down – Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR OS User Manual

Page 251

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7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide

Page 251

configured threshold is crossed, any higher thresholds are considered further event sets and are
processed immediately with the hold set timer reset to the configured value of the hold-set command.
As the thresholds are crossed in the opposite direction (fewer ports down then previously), the
priority effect of the event is not processed until the hold set timer expires. If the number of ports
down threshold again increases before the hold set timer expires, the timer is only reset to the hold-
value if the number of ports down is equal to or greater than the threshold that set the timer.

The event contains number-down nodes that define the priority delta or explicit value to be used
based on the number of LAG composite ports that are in the operationally down state. These nodes
represent the event set thresholds. Not all port down thresholds must be configured. As the number of
down ports increase, the number-down ports-down node that expresses a value equal to or less than
the number of down ports describes the delta or explicit priority value to be applied.

The no form of the command deletes the specific LAG monitoring event. The event can be removed
at anytime. When the event is removed, the in-use priority of all associated virtual router instances
must be reevaluated. The events hold-set timer has no effect on the removal procedure.


no lag-port-down - No LAG priority control events are created.


lag-id — The LAG ID that the specific event is to monitor expressed as a decimal integer. The lag-id

can only be monitored by a single event in this policy. The LAG may be monitored by multiple
VRRP priority control policies. A port within the LAG and the LAG ID itself are considered to
be separate entities. A composite port may be monitored with the port-down event while the lag-
the port is in is monitored by a lag-port-down event in the same policy.


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[no] number-down number-of-lag-ports-down


config>vrrp>policy vrrp-policy-id>priority-event>lag-port-down lag-id


This command creates a context to configure an event set threshold within a lag-port-down priority
control event.

The number-down command defines a sub-node within the lag-port-down event and is uniquely
identified with the number-of-lag-ports-down parameter. Each number-down node within the same
lag-port-down event node must have a unique number-of-lag-ports-down value. Each number-
node has its own priority command that takes effect whenever that node represents the current

The total number of sub-nodes (uniquely identified by the number-of-lag-ports-down parameter)
allowed in a single lag-port-down event is equal to the total number of possible physical ports
allowed in a LAG.

A number-down node is not required for each possible number of ports that could be down. The
active threshold is always the closest lower threshold. When the number of ports down equals a given
threshold, that is the active threshold.

The no form of the command deletes the event set threshold. The threshold may be removed at any
time. If the removed threshold is the current active threshold, the event set thresholds must be re-
evaluated after removal.


no number-down - No threshold for the LAG priority event is created.