Alcatel-Lucent 7750 User Manual

Alcatel-lucent 7750 service router

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Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router

A L C A T e L- L u C e n T H i g H - S C A L e M e d i A d e p e n d e n T A d A p T e R

The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR) with High-Scale Media Dependent Adapter (HS-MDA) extends
the service-rich capabilities of the industry-leading 7750 SR by enhancing the scale, density and granularity
of service queues. Intended for very large-scale deployments of legacy and emerging residential, business
and mobile services, the HS-MDA optimizes the 7750 SR performance for delivering packet services engineered
with high statistical gain at the unified IP/MPLS and Carrier Ethernet service edge.

The 7750 SR supports the HS-MDA as
a hot-swappable, half-slot module with
10 ports for Gigabit Ethernet (GigE). Each
port is compatible with optical GigE Small
Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers
(see Table 1).


• Supports 160,000 ingress queues and

160,000 egress queues on each 7750
SR HS-MDA, providing each of 20,000
subscribers with eight queues and
eight separate scheduling classes

• Uses a port-based scheduler, with

eight strict priority schedulers, for
each HS-MDA egress port:
¬ Allows configuring each strict

scheduler per egress port with a
shaping rate, limiting the amount
of bandwidth allowed for that level

¬ Supports weighted servicing for

selected scheduling classes by using
two weighted groups, allowing
flexible usage

• Supports 64 egress secondary shapers,

providing a control mechanism to
prevent downstream overruns
at specific access nodes:
¬ Locates each shaper before the

egress port scheduler in the data
path, ensuring that when a partic-
ular destination’s configured peak
information rate (PIR) is exceeded,
all queues for that destination will
stop. This is done for each queue
group that has a per-subscriber

• Offers an onboard, robust, flexible

and deep buffer-pool hierarchy:
¬ Provides one million ingress and

one million egress buffers for
packet processing

¬ Uses two random early detection

(RED) slopes on each queue for very
granular buffer-pool management

¬ Offers three levels of on-board

flexible buffer hierarchy: port-
class buffer pools, class pools and
root pools