NOVUS LogBox-RHT User Manual
Page 5

Interval: Defines the interval between readings: hour, minute
and second. When the logging mode is set to the instantaneous
the minimum interval is 1 second. For mean, maximum and
minimum values, the minimum interval is 10 seconds in both
Channel 1: Opens the Channel 1 Settings screen, where
channel 1 can be set up. This channel is for temperature
Tag: Defines a name for the temperature registers.
Sensor: Informs the sensor present in channel 1: NTC. It
can not be changed. It can not be disabled.
Unit: Defines the measurement unit: ºC or ºF.
Limits: Informs the temperature measurement range. It can
not be changed.
Logging Mode: It defines how the value measured will be
logged. Options are:
Instantaneous: The value logged will be exactly the
value measured. The minimum interval between
measurements is 10 seconds.
Average: The value logged will be the mean of ten
consecutive measurements taken within a minimum
predefined interval of 10 seconds.
Minimum: The value logged will be the minimum value
found in ten consecutive measurements taken within a
minimum interval of 10 seconds.
Maximum: The value logged will be the maximum value
found in ten consecutive measurements taken within a
maximum interval of 10 seconds.
Alarms: Enables an alarm that is triggered according to
user-defined parameters.
Figure 15 – Alarm settings screen
Channel 2: Opens the Channel 2 Settings screen, where
channel 2 can be set up. This channel is for relative humidity
The fields of this screen are the same as the ones from
Channel 1 Setting screen, however, for relative humidity
measurements it is not possible to associate alarms, but it is
possible to disable the relative humidity measurements.
Cancel and OK buttons cancel and save configurations
defined in the Channel Settings screen.
Clocks: Provides access to Logger and Palm clocks. When a
new configuration is sent to the logger, clocks are updated.
Offset: allows fine offset adjustment on the measured value. The
Reset button clears changes made and the logged values are
the measured values again.
Figure 16 – Offset adjust screen
After configuring clocks in the Settings screen, click Apply to send
this configuration to the Logger, returning to the Monitoring screen.
Sending a new configuration implies the exclusion of all data
collected present in the logger memory.
Downloading Data from the Logger
In the Monitoring screen, the Download button performs the
transfer of the data from de LogBox to the PDA. Download can be
partial and it does not interfere in the ongoing acquisition process.
The data base of loggings is displayed in the Recorded Data screen,
identified with the name assigned to the process (Data Title) and the
date it was downloaded.
Should the PDA batteries be discharged, all readings will be lost.
Files Visualization
The Recorded Data screen lists the data base logged and stored in
the PDA. To access data, select the desired data base and tap on
Details. Recorded Data Details screen shows several information
about the data base.
View Data shows in table format the logged values and the date and
time they were performed.
Press Delete to erase the selected data base.
Transferring Data to your Desktop
HotSync of data stored in a PDA to the Desktop is performed through
a conduit installed together with the LogChart Palm-OS. The conduit
converts the data collected by the LogChart Palm-OS to a file
compatible with the LogChart-II software.
To access the conduit options, the HotSync Manager software must
be active. Right-click on the HotSync Manager in the Windows
taskbar. Select in the drop-down menu the option Custom. Select
Novus LogChart Conduit and click Change. The following window
will be exhibited:
Figure 17 – LogChart Conduit options
Handheld overwrites Desktop: LogChart Palm-OS files are
transferred to the Desktop.
Save in: Choose a directory to record files generated during data
Leave Data on Palm: Option to keep or delete the data in the PDA
after HotSync.
Do nothing: Data synchronization will not be performed;
Set as default: The same settings will be used in the next HotSync