CatEye e-TrainData™ Ver.3 [Power Unit Edition] User Manual
Download software [e-train data. ver.3, Cyclocomputer, Introduction

e-Train Data V3
Download Software [e-Train Data. Ver.3]
for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
In the case of the e-Train Data
Ver.3, measured data (memory data, heart rate target zone data, lap data and
cadence zone data) stored in the CC-TR100 main unit via the power unit as well as the power related data
stored in the power unit are downloaded to the PC. At the same time, those data are all displayed graphically
to facilitate checks.
Please read this manual carefully and make sure you understand the e-Train Data
Ver.3 functions thor-
oughly before using the Download Software. After reading through the manual, store it in a safe and conve-
nient place.
• Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
• IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
• No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written permission
of CatEye Co., Ltd.
• If you have any questions or concerns about this manual, please contact CatEye at
For information on how to install the power unit on the bicycle, refer to “Installing the
unit on your bicycle” (the accompanying sheet). For information on setting up the CC-
TR100 main unit, basic operations of the power unit, and how to carry out various
settings, refer to the electronic “Power Unit Instruction Manual. pdf” documentation.
0365510 (ENG-PeTD)