Sony SVR-3000 User Manual
Page 85

C h a p t e r 6
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
I can’t get the channel to change (continued).
satellite receiver and plug it back in. Next, go to TiVo Central, then Message & Setup,
then Recorder & Phone Setup, then Cable/Satellite Box, then Control Cable/Sat. Setup
and select “Satellite Box.” On the Connection to Satellite screen, if you originally
selected Serial-MPG, change your selection to Serial-APG. (If you originally selected
Serial-APG, change it to Serial-MPG.) You can also check the manual for your
satellite receiver (as well as the satellite receiver’s system setup screen) for
information on the type of program guide it uses.
When I turn on my TV, I see a blue screen with a TiVo logo.
• Your recorder is having trouble tuning to the channel you are on. Follow these steps to
restore the video:
• Try changing channels. If the blue screen appears on just a few channels, you may
be tuned to a channel to which you do not subscribe, or you may be experiencing a
weak signal on a channel to which you do subscribe. If you do not subscribe to the
channel, you should take it off the “Channels You Receive” list. (For more
information, see page 59.) If you do subscribe to the channel, wait 24 hours to see
if the signal improves, or call your cable or satellite provider.
• If you have a satellite or cable box, go to Messages & Setup, Cable/Satellite Box,
Connection to Recorder. Verify that you chose the same cable on this screen that
you used to connect your satellite or cable box to the recorder.
• If the blue screen appears on every channel, and you have a cable or satellite box,
make sure it is turned on.
• You may be experiencing a temporary cable or satellite outage; check with your
cable or satellite provider.