Recording a live program – Sony SVR-3000 User Manual
Page 32

R e c o r d i n g a L i v e P r o g r a m
Recording a Live Program
Starting a Recording
To start recording a program while you are watching it, press the RECORD button. On the
transparent screen that appears, select “Record this showing (Best Quality).” As soon as
the recording starts, the program will appear in Now Playing.
If you select “Season Pass & other options,” a Program Information screen appears with
more actions you can take, including getting a Season Pass and changing Recording
Options (see page 34 for more on Season Pass recordings and page 35 for more on
Recording Options).
Recording the Saved Portion
Up to 30 minutes of programming from the current channel is always being saved, even
when you are not recording a program. When you change channels, the recorder clears
what it has saved and starts saving programming again on the new channel. (So, if the
saved portion is important to you, record it or don’t change channels.)
To record the saved portion—in addition to the rest of the program—you must choose
“Record this showing (Best Quality).” If you choose to change the Video Recording
Quality (by selecting “Season Pass & other options”) the saved portion of the program
won’t be recorded.
Stopping a Recording
Two ways to stop a recording are:
• Select the title in Now Playing, then select “Stop Recording,” or
• Press the RECORD button in live TV, then choose “Stop the current recording.”
You can also record any program—
even one in progress—by
highlighting it in the TiVo Live Guide, then
pressing RECORD.