Tivo suggestions – Sony SVR-3000 User Manual
Page 52

T i V o S u g g e s t i o n s
TiVo Suggestions
The TiVo service tries to make sure there is always something interesting on for you to
watch. When you aren’t using it, your recorder is sifting through upcoming programs to
find things you might like. How does it know what you will like? It makes predictions
based on ratings you have given to programs using the THUMBS UP and THUMBS
DOWN buttons, and on Thumbs Up given automatically to programs you chose to record.
The more you record and use the THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN buttons, the better
the suggestions become. You can rate shows while browsing TiVo Suggestions or while:
• Watching live TV or browsing through the TiVo Live Guide.
• Viewing a Program Information screen (for example, to schedule a recording).
• Looking through Showcases and TiVolution Magazine.
You can check TiVo Suggestions occasionally to see what TiVo has found for you. The
list of programs is ranked, so shows you are more likely to enjoy are near the top. If you
want to record a program, select it and the Program Information screen appears.
When there is empty space in Now Playing, the TiVo service may record a TiVo
Suggestions for you. Suggestions are marked with a TiVo icon (
). The recorder
never deletes your programs in Now Playing in order to make room for a suggestion.
Instead, suggestions are deleted to make room for recordings you schedule.
Your personal TV preferences are just that: personal. All that information is stored in the
recorder, in your living room. See the TiVo Privacy Policy at www.tivo.com/privacy or in
Chapter 7 for more information. If you would like to turn off automatic recording of
suggestions, you have that option. (See page 61 for details.)
If other members of your household
are pressing THUMBS UP on shows
you don’t care for, and vice versa, you may
find that TiVo Suggestions is making
some suggestions that you like, and some
that are more appropriate for other
members of your household.
TiVo Central
Pick Programs To Record
TiVo Suggestions