Restart or reset system – Sony SVR-3000 User Manual

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M e s s a g e s & S e t u p

Restart or Reset System

You may need to restart the recorder as a routine troubleshooting step. The other options
on this screen erase information and restore original factory settings. Selecting a reset
option brings you to a warning screen. To continue press THUMBS DOWN three times,
then press ENTER.

Restart the Recorder.

Shuts down the recorder and starts it up again. It will not affect

recorded programs, Season Pass recordings, WishList searches, or TiVo Suggestions.

Repeat Guided Setup.

You will have to repeat Guided Setup if you move or if you

change your cable or satellite provider. Repeating Guided Setup will reset the Channels
You Receive and Favorites channel lists to the factory settings. It will not affect recorded
programs, Season Pass recordings, WishList searches, or TiVo Suggestions.

Reset Thumb Ratings and Suggestions.

Removes all Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down

ratings and deletes the list of TiVo Suggestions under Pick Programs to Record. It does
not delete TiVo Suggestions that have been recorded and are in the Now Playing List.

Clear Program Data and To Do List.

Clears all program information, cancels all Season

Pass recordings and everything in the To Do List, and removes all Thumbs Up and
Thumbs Down ratings. It does not delete programs in the Now Playing List. The recorder
acquires new program information during the next daily call. Completing this process may
take over an hour.

Clear and delete everything.

Clears all Season Pass recordings, WishList searches,

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down ratings, TiVo Suggestions, Now Playing List recordings,
program information, the To Do List and setup information, including the Channels You
Receive and Favorite Channels lists. It also clears the current password and resets Parental
Controls to the factory specified default. Completing this process may take over an hour.

TiVo Central

Messages & Setup

Restart or Reset System