2 filtering (firmware 03000000 or higher), 4 padding (firmware 03000000 or higher) – HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK Keyboard Wedge User Guide User Manual

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OMNIKEY Keyboard Wedge Configuration, 5x27-902, Rev D.0

November 2013

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PACS bits


Header byte indicating

the # of filler bits in last

byte (= 6 bits)

Filler bits

Representation of PACS bits by 5x27 CK HEX, DEC, ASCII and BCD output with PACS

Leading Byte selected:

The 5x27 CK adds trailing filler bits as well as a leading byte that states the number of

unused bits in the last byte.

This modified bit stream is converted according to the selected output:




2.3.2 Filtering (firmware 03000000 or higher)

Filter a byte (entered as decimal code) from raw data.
Direction: Leading = filter bytes from the start of raw data, Trailing = filter bytes from end of

raw data.

2.3.3 Reverse (firmware 02000000, upgraded with firmware 03000000)

This option allows reversing the standard read order of the card data, it applies to custom data

fields, PACS and CSN bits. The order is changed on byte-level according to the following

Card Data (HEX)

01 02 03 04

Reverse Byte Order output (HEX)

04 03 02 01

Note: In firmware 02000000, it applies only to custom data fields. PACS and CSN bits will not

be affected by this command. From version 03000000 and higher, it applies to all data fields.

2.3.4 Padding (firmware 03000000 or higher)

Padding bytes are added to the output string.
Byte: ASCII character value (in decimal) to add to output string. It is output depending on the

Format as specified above. So 48 would be output as 30 in hex or 0 in decimal. Binary is a

special case, where only 0, 1, 48 or 49) are allowed – other values will be displayed as 1.
Direction: Leading = add padding to start of string, Trailing = add padding to end of string.
Length: Number of output characters to pad out to. This is format-independent, so entering 10

gives you 10 hex digits, 10 decimal digits, 10 ASCII characters, 10 binary bits, etc.