14 summary of select line syntax rules, 15 time synchronization – Campbell Scientific PC400 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

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Section 5. Split



.3.1.14 Summary of Select Line Syntax Rules

• A fixed numeric value must include a decimal point “.” or be in scientific

notation. There are some exceptions to this as noted below.

• Scientific notation has the format “mantissa E power of ten” (e.g., 3E5 = 3

x 10



• Element numbers are entered without a decimal point.
• Commas separate Select line parameters (e.g., 2,3,(3+4)/3.2,6).
• Two decimal points are used to select consecutive elements between

starting and ending elements (e.g., 3..6, refers to the elements 3,4,5, and

• A set is a group of two or more elements and/or expressions separated by

commas and enclosed by parentheses. No member of a set can include
parentheses. Therefore, a set cannot include a set or a function as one of
its members. For example:



Arctan (2/3)

Arctan ((2/3))

Arctan (2/3, 3/4, 4/5)

Arctan ((2/3, 3/4), 4/5)

Arctan (COS(2))

Arctan (COS(2), COS(3))

• A single expression can operate on a set of elements. For example, the

expression (3..6,8)/2.0 is the same as 3/2.0, 4/2.0, 5/2.0, 6/2.0, 8/2.0;
(3..6)/(2..5) is the same as 3/2, 4/3, 5/4, 6/5.

• The element or expression that is the argument of a math or Time Series

function, must be enclosed in parentheses. A range of elements can be
specified, resulting in as many outputs as elements (e.g., Avg(3..5,7) will
output 4 averages).

• Square brackets are used to enclose an allowable range for a value (e.g.,

3[3.6..12] ) to indicate that the allowable range for element 3 is from 3.6 to
12. Whole numbers within brackets do not require a decimal point. TABLE
5-5 explains
how values outside the specified range are treated.

• The interval in a Time Series function is optional and does not require a

decimal point.

• Semicolons are used in Time Series functions to separate the elements or

expressions from the number that determines the interval. Sample on
maximum and sample on minimum require two elements or expressions
also separated by a semicolon.

.3.1.15 Time Synchronization

The time synchronize function is useful when data is missing from a file or if
several files of data need to be merged together. The files are synchronized
according to time; any missing data in the file (or files) will be replaced with
blank data.
