The datalogger -16 – Campbell Scientific PC400 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 132

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Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator

7.2.5 Step 5 – Generate the Program in the Format Required by

the Datalogger

The Finish button completes the process. If you haven’t yet saved the
program, Short Cut asks for a program name and offers the default directory
within its program working directory (default is C:\Campbellsci\SCWin).
Short Cut also displays a Results, Summary, and Advanced window:

The Results tab provides information on the files that were created. If a
program was created successfully, a Send Program button will also be
displayed which allows you to send the program to the datalogger.

The files generated by Short Cut are as follows:

ProgramName.SCW (“Example.SCW” in this example) at the top of the

screen is the file in which Short Cut keeps all of your selections for
datalogger, sensors, outputs, etc.

• For CR10, CR10X, CR500/510, CR23X, and 21X dataloggers (including

mixed-array, table-data and PakBus operating systems),
ProgramName.DLD is the ASCII text file that must be sent to the
datalogger for it to make the measurements and store the data you want.
For CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, CR800 Series, and CR9000X dataloggers,
this file will be the .CR1, .CR3, .CR5, .CR8, or .C9X file. For CR200
dataloggers, this file will be a .BIN (binary image) file.

ProgramName.DEF is the text file that describes the wiring for the sensors

and devices to the datalogger, measurement labels, flag usage, and the
output expected. You can view the contents of the DEF file by clicking
the Summary button on the Results screen.

• For mixed-array dataloggers, ProgramName.FSL is a text file containing

output labels (created for mixed-array dataloggers only). This file can be
used by Split or View or other software to provide column headers for the
data file.
