3 opening a file, Opening a file -2 – Campbell Scientific PC400 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

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Section 6. View

Tile Vertically. This menu option is used for array-based data files
where the entire data file and each individual array are opened in
separate windows. It rearranges all open, non-minimized data file
windows as non-overlapping vertical tiles. This makes them all
visible at the same time.

Tile Horizontally. This menu option is used for array-based data
files where the entire data file and each individual array are opened
in separate windows. It rearranges all open, non-minimized data
file windows as non-overlapping horizontal tiles. This makes them
all visible at the same time.

Refresh Current File. Refreshes an open data file. This is useful if
you are viewing a file, and additional data has been stored since the
file was first opened.

Print Preview. Displays how the data file will appear when it is

Print. Brings up a dialog box that allows you to print the data file.

New Line Graph. Brings up a Line Graph window from which you
can graph data values on the y-axis against their timestamps on the

Keep Selected Graph On Top. When data is being graphed and
this option is selected, the graph will always be at the forefront of
the View program.

This is a toggle button. The button icon will have a green check
mark through it when the option is currently selected.

Reset Grid for New Selections. Disassociates the data grid from
the graph. Graph selections can then be made for copying to the

6.3 Opening a File

View provides three ways to open a file. The one you use depends on the type
of file being opened. Use File | Open to open a data file, File | Open as Text to
open other types of files, or File | Open as Hex to view a binary or text file in
hexadecimal format.

A file that has been recently opened, can be quickly opened again by selecting
it from the File | Recent Files list. The file will be opened in the same format
as it was originally opened (data, text, or hex).

No matter what option is used to open a file, it is closed by selecting File |
Close from the menu or pressing the red X in the upper right-hand corner of the
data file window.
