Trigger on stop condition (f option) output, Of time series -19, 3. processed data file using option c -19 – Campbell Scientific PC400 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

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Section 5. Split

TABLE 5-3. Processed Data File Using Option C

100 12.1 10 32.6 101 92.7 67.7 102 56.1 48.7 98 220.1
100 12.5 9.89 30.1

102 56.2 50 100.5 210.6

100 13.1 10.1 33.1 101 94.1 69

When Split is run, the resulting data file will look similar to TABLE 5-3. Each
line of data represents one test. Notice that blanks were inserted if the data set
(conditional array) did not exist.

Trigger on Stop Condition (F Option) Output of Time Series

The Trigger on Stop Condition, or F option, changes the function of the Stop
Condition when one or more Time Series functions (Section, Time
Series Functions, Details, and Examples
) are contained in the Select field.
When a Stop Condition is met, the time series data is calculated and written to
the output file. However, instead of stopping at this point, processing resumes
and time series data is output the next time the Stop Condition is met. This
continues until the end of file or until the user stops Split manually.

The Trigger on Stop Condition is enabled by clicking Other… on the Output
Tab and checking the box next to the Trigger on Stop Condition field. When
the Trigger on Stop Condition is enabled, the function affects all files being
processed that have a Stop Condition specified. If multiple files are being
processed but it is desired that the function affect one or more

⎯but not all⎯of

the files, the F option is used in the Stop Condition field of the files that you
want processed using the function. The syntax for the F option is: F,e





A typical application for the Trigger on Stop Condition is to reduce days of
hourly data into daily summaries. A logical element to use for the Stop
Condition is time (hrmn). Assuming the third element of the hourly Output
Array is hrmn, and midnight is output as 0, the Stop Condition is entered as
3[0] (or F,3[0] if the F option is used). The Time Series processing is
performed over a day defined by midnight to midnight.

If only hourly Output Arrays were contained in the Input File, the Copy line
could be left blank. If other Output Arrays are present which need not be
included in the Time Series processing, a logical Copy condition would be the
Output Array ID of the hourly output.

The Trigger on Stop Condition functions the same for multiple Input files as it
does for a single Input File. If the option is enabled on several Input Files, and
the Stop Conditions do not occur at the same point in each file, when a file’s
Stop Condition is met, its time series data are output and blanks are output for
data selected from the other Input Files.

Say, for example, that you were interested in the average value of the first data
point (element 2) for each test, in the data set listed in TABLE 5-2. The Input
File template would look like that shown in TABLE 5-4.
