Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 79

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"When 30 sec off" also allows the operator to
key in the actual number of seconds once the
option has been selected. TELCOM will reset
the datalogger clock and enter the PC time and
the incorrect datalogger time in the error file.
TELCOM will not reset the time if the batteries
in the PC201 card are bad. If there is no PC201
card, TELCOM assumes the PC clock is
correct. In most cases, the default value of 30
seconds is the minimum error that should be
entered. With the CR21, seconds are not
reported so there is an uncertainty of one
minute on when its clock will be reset.

Final Storage Area:

The CR10(X) and CR500 dataloggers may be
programmed to have two Final Storage areas.
After selecting the data collection method, you
must select the 1st (default) or 2nd (optional)
Final Storage Area or the SM192/SM716
Storage Module.

Data Collection Method:


Since Last Call; Append File;
[Since Last Call; Create File;]
Most Recent Arrays; Create;
[Most Recent Arrays; Append;]

When "Since Last Call; Append File;" is
selected, TELCOM will keep track of where it
leaves off each time it calls in the "station.STN"
file. The next time it calls it will collect
everything stored since the previous time.
Before bringing in new data that TELCOM
checks the last four data points of the previous
data collected matches what is still in the
datalogger Final Storage. If the data are not the
same, TELCOM collects the number of arrays
specified in "Nbr of Arrays to Backup on First
Call". Data retrieved are added to the end of
the data (.DAT) file.

The "Since Last Call; Create File;" option also
collects all new data; however, only the data
collected during the most recent call are stored
in the data file. Each time data are collected,
any existing data (name.DAT) file is renamed to
"name.BAK". Any existing backup file
(name.BAK) is destroyed.

The "Most Recent Arrays; Create;" option is
used if it is desired to look at only a few of the
most recent arrays of data recorded. When this
option is selected, the following parameter

becomes "Number of Arrays to Collect", which
determines how many arrays are collected
when the station is called. Only the data
collected during the most recent call are stored
in the ".DAT" file. Each time data are collected,
any existing data (name.DAT) file is renamed to
"name.BAK". Any existing backup file
(name.BAK) is destroyed.

The "Most Recent Arrays; Append;" option
collects only the most recent arrays and
appends the data to the end of the data file.

Nbr of Arrays to Backup on First Call:


Number of Arrays to Collect:

When the data collection method is "Since Last
Call", this is the maximum number of arrays that
TELCOM will collect on the first call or on a
subsequent call if it fails to confirm that the last
data collected are still in the datalogger. Enter
0 to collect ALL data in the datalogger Final

When the data collection method is "Most
Recent Arrays", this parameter is the number of
arrays to collect each time the station is called.

Data File Format:


Comma Separated ASCII
Printable ASCII
Same as Received From Datalogger

"Comma Separated ASCII" strips all IDs,
leading zeros, unnecessary decimal points and
trailing zeros, and plus signs. Data points are
separated by commas. Arrays are separated by
Carriage Return Line Feed. Comma Separated
ASCII requires approximately 6 bytes per data



"Printable ASCII" is described in the
datalogger manual. Each data point is
preceded by a 2 digit ID and a + or -. This
format requires 10 bytes per data point.

This format is ambiguous for data arrays of 200
or more points and should be avoided for
purposes other than printing.