I.4 software integration – Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 16

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is only required if SM192 or SM716 solid state
storage modules are used. SPLIT is used for
additional processing of datalogger data.
CSMCOM and SMCREAD are used with the
MCR1 or CSM1 Card Storage Modules. All of
these programs are described in this manual.

The install program will prompt for a destination
directory for the PC208 files. This directory will
be created if it does not exist. The default
directory is \PC208E.

The install program will check if the selected
destination directory is part of the DOS PATH
statement. If it is not found, the install program
will optionally modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
adding the directory to the PATH. Before any
changes are made, the existing
AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be copied to a file

Any previous versions of the PC208 programs
will be overwritten if they are in the destination
directory. Install will prompt before overwriting
an existing MODEM.INI file as it may contain
custom modem strings.

NOTE: If this version of PC208 is installed
in the same directory as a previous version,
the old copy of SPLIT (Versions 4.8 and
earlier) will not be overwritten. The PC208
installation program will rename the existing
SPLIT.OLD file and the 5 overlay files;
SPLIT.000, SPLIT.001, SPLIT.002,
SPLIT.003, SPLIT.004 can be manually
deleted as they are not used. This version
of PC208 uses SPLIT in the form of

Complete installation requires about 3
megabytes of free disk space.

PC208 requires 640K of conventional memory.
450K of conventional memory must be free to

run EDLOG or PC208E. 500K of memory must
be free to use the graphical monitor mode.
Memory can be freed by removing memory
resident programs. Later versions of DOS,
version 5 and 6, allow use of extended memory
for some DOS functions freeing some
conventional memory.

If there is insufficient memory or disk space a
warning will be displayed by the installation


Default extension names are assigned to files
generated by the PC208 DATALOGGER
summarizes these extensions.

For example, a field station "LOGAN" could be
called LOGAN and the software would add the
appropriate extension name depending on the
function to be completed. When many files are
stored bearing the same root name, the DOS
command DIR (i.e., 'DIR LOGAN.*') may be
used to obtain a directory of these files.

All PC208 functions can be accessed from
PC208E. For example, the user could:

1. Start EDLOG to create the datalogger


2. Set up the station-link to the datalogger


3. Set datalogger clock.

4. Transfer datalogger program to datalogger.

5. View real time measurements.

6. Retrieve


7. Start SPLIT to create reports.