2 t -- terminal emulator, 3 d -- download program to datalogger, 4 s -- save program from datalogger – Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 48: 5 k -- pc time to datalogger clock

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T is the terminal emulator option and is
available for any datalogger type. Keyboard
entries are transmitted out the selected COM
port and characters received are displayed on
the monitor Escape or Ctrl_ returns GraphTerm
to the options menu.



The D option will program the datalogger from a
disk file. The datalogger will be called
automatically if it is not on line when the D
option is executed. Different programming
methods are used, thus it is essential that the
correct datalogger type has been selected. The
type of file needed is the .DLD file created by
EDLOG or a file created by saving the
datalogger or DSP4 programming information.
These files all have the same format. If the file
is not found, the D option is terminated.
Entering "[path]*" will get a list of files with the
.DLD extension.

GraphTerm will program the datalogger by
sending the .DLD file. When the datalogger has
received the entire file, GraphTerm will
command it to compile the program and start
logging if no compile errors are found.

After successful programming (no datalogger
compile errors), GraphTerm will place the
datalogger in the Telecommunications mode
and enter the Terminal Emulator option so that
the user may review the datalogger operation or
send the disconnect commands as desired.

If a datalogger compile error is found,
GraphTerm will disconnect the datalogger. For
all datalogger types except the CR7 with the
Model 700 Control Module, the program is
erased from the datalogger before

The CR10(X), 21X and the CR7 are
programmed using the datalogger's *D mode.
The program is sent to the datalogger in 220
byte blocks. Labels are not sent.

The monitor displays when a block is sent,
received by the datalogger, and entered into
program memory. A missed block will be resent
automatically. The file may even be started
over to assure the datalogger receives the
programming file correctly.



The S option saves the datalogger's program on
a disk file. The user specifies the filename.
Enter "[path]*" for a list of existing .DLD files. If
no extension is provided, GraphTerm will add
the extension .DLD to the filename. The
datalogger will automatically be called if it is not
on line when the S option is executed. The
program is displayed on the monitor as it is

If the program has no compile errors, the
datalogger will be left in a logging status and in
the telecommunications command mode and
GraphTerm will enter the Terminal Emulator
option. The user can monitor the datalogger
operation, edit the program in the datalogger, or
send the disconnect commands.

If the program has compile errors, the
datalogger is left in the REMOTE KEYBOARD
mode. The user must either correct the
program, or erase it before it is possible to issue
the commands necessary to disconnect the
telecommunications link. Otherwise, the user
will need to let the link time out. Specific
instructions based on the datalogger type will
appear on the monitor.

NOTE: If the RF Modem is one of the
interface devices, GraphTerm cannot save
the datalogger program automatically
unless certain conditions and procedures
are followed. The baud rate must be set to
300 baud and the RF link quality must be


The K option will set the datalogger clock using
the computers time. The K option is not
available for the CR21.

When 'K' is keyed TERM will show the
datalogger time, the PC time, and will prompt:

Set the datalogger time to PC time? (Y/N):

If 'Y' is keyed TERM will set the datalogger
clock and return to the Options Menu. If 'N' is
keyed then the 'K' option is aborted and TERM
returns to the Option Menu.