5 copy from, 6 select element #(s) in – Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual
Page 62
SPLIT continues reading the input file(s) until
the EOF is reached or execution is stopped by
the user. Time Series processing starts over
after each STOP condition is found.
A typical application of the 'F' option is to reduce
days of hourly data into daily summaries. A
logical element to use for the STOP condition is
time (hrmn). Assuming the third element of the
hourly Output Array is hrmn, and midnight is
output as 0, the STOP line is entered as 'f,3[0]'
with 'f,3[0]' as the STOP condition, the Time
Series processing is performed over a day
defined by midnight to midnight.
If only hourly Output Arrays were contained in
the INPUT file, the COPY line could be left
blank. If other Output Arrays are present which
should not be included in the Time Series
processing, a logical COPY condition would be
the Output Array ID of the hourly output.
The 'F' option functions the same for multiple
INPUT files as it does for single INPUT files. If
the 'F' option is enabled on several STOP lines,
and the STOP conditions do not occur at the
same point in each file, when one STOP
condition is met its Time Series data is output
and blanks are output for SELECTed data from
the other files.
EXAMPLE: F,2[189]
After the START condition is satisfied, and
before the STOP condition is met, the COPY
condition must be satisfied before any data will
be processed according to SELECT line
instructions (Section 4.3.6). If the COPY
condition is left blank, all arrays are processed
between the START and STOP values. Syntax
for the COPY condition is similar to the START
and STOP values mentioned above. Logical
"and" and "or" statements can be used when
specifying the Copy condition. A logical "and"
statement means that all conditions must be
true for the statement to be true. The logical
"or" statement means that if any of the
conditions are true then the statement is true.
SPLIT allows up to 6 "or" statements with up to
3 "and" statements per "or".
For example, referring to Table 4.3-1, if only
those hours during day 189 when the
temperature was above 90 and the soil
temperature was below 62 is desired, or, during
day 189 when the average wind speed was
below 21 while the wind direction was between
255 to 265 is desired, the COPY condition
would be:
Only Output Arrays with hours 1300 and 1500,
Table 4.3-1, conform to the above COPY
To use the time sync function, time element(s)
must be specified in the START parameter
(Section 4.3.3). The user specifies a time
interval in the COPY condition. For instance, if
the original data had 15 minute outputs and you
only want hourly outputs, then an interval of 60
minutes must be specified following the element
number. This is entered as (assuming hrmn is
element number 3) '3[60]'. If time sync is
specified in the start line, SPLIT looks for the
interval in a time element in the COPY
parameter. Only one time interval is specified.
This interval is the unit of time to SYNC each
file to.
The interval can be given tolerance limits by
following the interval with a comma and the
tolerance. For example, if 3 is the hrmn
element, and the time interval is 60 minutes +2
minutes, the syntax is 3[60,2].
If the time sync function is enabled, and data is
missing at one or more of the time intervals
specified, then a blank (or/[comment]) is
OUTPUT to the file.
The SELECT line specifies which elements of
an Output Array are selected for processing
and/or OUTPUT to the specified OUTPUT file.
The SELECT line becomes operable only after
the START and COPY conditions are met, and
before the STOP condition is satisfied. If the
SELECT line is left blank, all are output arrays
meeting the START and COPY conditions. Up
to 255 characters can be entered on one
SELECT line. If this is a limitation, enter the
input file twice on the INPUT line, providing 2
SELECT lines to define the required operations.