Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual
Page 119

Invalid location specified in command line
For the L option you have specified an invalid
display location number in the DOS command
Unable to move the display pointer to that
location! - check validity.
The value entered may be too large for the card
size in use.
No data found in the area specified
Self explanatory - only displayed when using the
L option.
No data stored in this area.
Displayed when collecting several files. This
usually means a program file was encountered
between two data files.
No data found in the card!, or file error.
After attempting to collect several files, the
program has not successfully written any data
to disk.
No uncollected data found in the card!
Error: no such command
While in the ‘Terminal Emulator’ you have typed
an incorrect command.
The Card in the socket is write protected
The switch on the card is set to write protect. It
should be set to the unprotected position for
operation with SMCRead.
Card Services Error Code xxxx -
SMCRead has encountered an error when
communicating with the card services driver.
There are many errors that could be reported,
each detailing a possible cause. Please contact
Campbell Scientific if the solution is not evident.