Section 3. graphterm, 1 the station file, 1 datalogger type – Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

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GraphTerm is a terminal emulator program with real time graphical monitoring capability that can auto-
matically collect Final Storage data from Campbell Scientific 's CR10(X), 21X(L), and CR7 dataloggers.
Most GraphTerm features are present in PC208E. The standalone GraphTerm retains compatibility with
previous versions for command line capability. GraphTerm is run by typing "GT" on the DOS command line.


After you enter "GT" on the DOS command
line, GraphTerm asks you to:

Enter Station Name (add /E to
alter Parameters):

When a new station name (e.g., "LOGGER")
is entered or the /E option is exercised,
GraphTerm will prompt:

Telecommunications Parameters For Station:


Datalogger Type:


Security Code: 0

Use Asynchronous Communications Adapter:


Communications Baud rate:


Data File Format:

Comma separated ASCII

Final Storage Collection Area:

Area 1

Interface Device:

The station file defines the datalogger and the
communication path to be used. Once the
necessary parameters have been entered, a file
is saved with the station name plus the .STN
extension. The parameters will not have to be
entered the next time the station is used. The
station parameters of an existing station can be
edited by appending /E to the station name (i.e.,
"LOGGER/E" for the station with the name

When station file screen (above) appears,
"CR10X" after datalogger type will be
highlighted. Press the space bar to scroll
through the datalogger type options. Press
return to select the desired option and advance
to the next parameter. Once again you may
scroll the options by pressing the space bar,
and enter the choice by pressing return. After
the interface device(s) is selected, type control
P (the control and P keys) to save the station
file and bring up the GraphTerm OPTIONS
menu. "Escape" will bring up the OPTIONS
menu without saving the station file. The station
file parameters are described below.




Security Code: 0


Security Code: 0


Security Code: 0

300 Series

Security Code: 0

[21X (2 PROM)]
[CR7 w/700 CM]
[DSP4 Display]

The options shown in brackets, [], are "hidden"
and will only be displayed if "H" is pressed to
scroll the options. "None" will result in an
options menu with general purpose file receive
and transmit options. The CR10(X) option
allows entry of a security code: GraphTerm
automatically unlocks security with the code.

The DSP4 Display type should only be selected
when downloading a program through the DSP4
(set the baud rate to 1200). When using the
monitor and graphics options of GraphTerm,
connect the PC directly to the datalogger.

The 2 PROM 21X, CR7 with 700 control module
and CR21 do not support GraphTerm's monitor
and graphics capabilities.