Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 58

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Omit writing to screen.


Print output file. Cannot be used
with /R option.


Write report (.RPT) file to disk.
Cannot be used with /P.


Suppress form feed and page


Transpose a maximum of 26

More than one option can be specified, but /R
and /P cannot both be specified. Each option
must be preceded by the slash.


/B# This option breaks up the OUTPUT array
into new arrays that are #+1 elements in each
new array. SPLIT automatically assigns an
array ID number equal to the first element in the
first array. Only one INPUT file may be
specified. START, STOP, and COPY
conditions may be specified, but the SELECT
line must be left blank.


This will break up the arrays into 13 elements
per array.

/[comment] "Comment" is stored if data are
blank, bad or out of range. The brackets are
part of the entry. See Table 4.3-4 for definition
of blank or bad data. Whatever the user enters
between the brackets will be entered if a blank
or question mark is in the data or if data are out
of range. This option is useful when the
OUTPUT file is imported into a spreadsheet
program, such as Lotus 123. For Lotus to
'import' a 'numbers' file correctly, no blanks can
be present in the file.


This enters quotation marks in an element
whenever the value is blank, bad or out of
range. The comment cannot exceed the field

TABLE 4.3-4. Definition of BLANK or Bad

Data for each Data File Format

File Format

Definition of
Blank or Bad Data

Printable ASCII


Comma Separated ASCII

blank or any
character except
numeral or space

Field Formatted

blank or "" (double
quotation marks)

/F Changes the meaning of STOP condition to
trigger Time Series processing output. The
STOP condition is included in the Time Series
processing if it satisfies the COPY condition.


This will cause a Time Series output each time
the STOP condition is met. See SELECT
elements (Section

/G Outputs only those arrays containing one or
more Out of Range elements. If the /R or the /P
options are enabled with the /G option, an
asterisk precedes the Out of Range value in the


OUTPUTs only those arrays with out of range

/M This option compares two files of the same
data and if good data exists in one and not the
other (question marks) then SPLIT will fill the
OUTPUT file with the good data. This is used
to get a more complete record from an error
ridden tape (e.g., one recorded at freezing
temperatures) by reading the tape twice and
running both files through SPLIT.

EXAMPLE: LOGAN.PRN/MMatch existing data

to blank elements in two like files.