C.3 smcom error messages – Campbell Scientific PC208 Datalogger Support Software User Manual
Page 116

Illegal value for time.
In the Start parameter with the Time Sync option
Split did not recognize the time option. Check that
the time is specified properly (day:hrmn:sec).
Refer to the Split manual for proper syntax.
Illegal array element # specified.
You have specified an element number that
does not exist. Most commonly, you forgot to
put a "." in a fixed value so Split thinks it is an
element number.
Value inside [] missing or illegal.
Check the Start, Stop, and Copy syntax to verify
that you have not missed a value or entered a
value that is not valid.
Too many "and" conditions in expression.
Maximum of 6 "and"s in an expression.
Too many "or" conditions in expression.
Maximum of 6 "or"s in an expression.
Line length too long. 253 characters
More than 8 files specified.
Check that no more than 8 Input files have been
specified. Check your syntax for a filename,
remember, Split will add .DAT to a filename if a
"." is not included.
"." without a number.
Check the Select Line for any "."s that are not
associated with a fixed value.
Illegal character in expression.
Check the last line that you were editing. Split
would not take some character. Experiment to
see what it does not like.
"(" without ")".
Check your parentheses, that you have the
same number of left parentheses as you do
right parentheses.
Function without "(".
Check all Math, Time Series, and Special
functions for a left parentheses.
Function without ")".
Check all Math, Time Series, and Special
functions for a right parentheses.
Illegal value inside [].
In the SELECT line check that left and right
brackets have been included. Also, verify that two
periods (..) have been included. Only digits can be
used for the beginning and ending numbers.
Element value not in range 1..254.
Split can not work on more than 254 elements
at a time. Also, one element in the Select
option can not exceed the buffer size for an
element. Try shortening the length of the
expression between commas.
Length of heading too large for field width.
Column heading is to wide. Use "\" to start new
Illegal Output file name or Disk Full.
Output file can not have same name as input
file. Check disk to see if it is full.
SM192/SM716 storage module does not
Storage module (SM) cannot be brought on-line.
Check interface device to verify all cables, switches,
or power cables are properly installed or set.
Storage module does not respond!
SMCOM has timed-out waiting for the SM to
return the proper response.
Storage module is probably disconnected!
Repeated attempts have failed to re-establish
communication with a once on-line SM. Check that
SM, cables, or serial port have not been disconnected
since communication was first established.
Storage module is possibly full!
While sending a file to the SM from the
computer, the SM ceased to respond. It may
be full with the Fill and Stop function active in
which case the SM will abort attempts to store
more information.
(filename) already exists!
The filename to be used to store data from the
SM already exists in the current directory.
There is not enough room on the current disk to
start a new file.
The current file has filled the current disk. The
file will continue when the disk is replaced. The
filename will be the same on both disks.
Signature error detected in (As Stored File)
...will NOT repeat.
A signature error was detected when receiving
SM data with the "As Stored" collection method.
The data will not be re-requested.