B.4 examples for high sediment loads, B.4.1 normally open cr1000 example, B.4.1 – Campbell Scientific OBS500 Smart Turbidity Meter with ClearSensor Technology User Manual

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Appendix B. Example Programs

B.4 Examples for High Sediment Loads

B.4.1 Normally Open CR1000 Example

'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'OBS500 normally open

‘In normally open mode the OBS500 can make measurement multiple times per minute but the wiper interval could be set to
as low as a ‘time or two a day. This mode is also beneficial where the power budget is critical since opening and
closing the wiper consumes ‘considerably more power than making the turbidity measurement.

'Declare Public Variables

Public OBS500(4)
Public TimeCounter
Public obsDatOpen(4),obsDatClose(4)

'Declare Other Variables
Alias OBS500(1) = turb_bs
Alias OBS500(2) = turb_ss
Alias OBS500(3) = tempC_obs500
Alias OBS500(4) = wet_dry
Alias obsDatOpen(1) = Open_counts 'Full movement of slider is about 20,000 counts. If it jams this # will be smaller
Alias obsDatOpen(2) = Open_Max_mA_cnts ' Number of times the shutter stops while opening because of max current
Alias obsDatOpen(3) = Open_slip 'Open timeout count. If the threads are stripped the slide will not move and this count will increase
Alias obsDatOpen(4) = Open_mA ' mA current of the motor
Alias obsDatClose(1) = Close_counts 'Full movement of slider is about 20,000 counts. If it jams this # will be smaller
Alias obsDatClose(2) = Close_Max_mA_cnts ' Number of times the shutter stops while opening because of max current
Alias obsDatClose(3) = Close_slip 'Open timeout count. If the threads are stripped the slide will not move and this count will increase
Alias obsDatClose(4) = Close_mA ' mA current of the motor

Units turb_bs = fbu
Units turb_ss = fnu
Units tempC_obs500 = degC
Units wet_dry = YesNo

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,5,Min,10)
Sample (1,turb_bs,FP2)
Sample (1,turb_ss,FP2)

'Main Program

SDI12Recorder (obsDatOpen(),1,0,"M3!",1,0) ‘Start with shutter open

Scan (1,Min,0,0)

TimeCounter = TimeCounter + 1

'Wipe at a slower interval than the scan interval

If TimeCounter >= 60 Then 'This value, 60, will wipe once every 60 scan intervals. 60 minutes in this case
SDI12Recorder (obsDatClose(),1,0,"M7!",1,0)
SDI12Recorder (obsDatOpen(),1,0,"M3!",1,0)
TimeCounter = 0

'Read OBS500 each scan interval

SDI12Recorder(OBS500(),1,0,"M4!",1,0)' Measure without moving the wiper

'Call Output Tables
CallTable Test
