2 rs-232, 5 calibration, 1 turbidity – Campbell Scientific OBS500 Smart Turbidity Meter with ClearSensor Technology User Manual

Page 32: Rs-232, Calibration, Turbidity, 8. rs-232 settings

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OBS500 Smart Turbidity Meter with ClearSensor™ Technology

For CR10X and CR510 standard mixed-array dataloggers, the datalogger

telecommunications command to enter SDI-12 transparent mode is


where n is the control port being used for SDI-12. For example, if the selected

control port is C1, the command would be

1X. In response, the

datalogger opens the link to control port 1 and responds with a prompt.

CR10X and CR510 dataloggers reply with “entering SDI-12”.

CR10X-PB and CR510-PB dataloggers require

*#n being entered at the

prompt, where n is the control port being used.

Now check for a response from the sensor with address zero by typing the SDI-

12 identify command

0I! (that’s a zero, not the letter O). The sensor

should respond with an identification string similar to

013CSI.Std.01_xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx represents the eight-digit serial

number. Note that the SDI-12 standard allows for multiple probes to be

connected to one datalogger control port. For example, if you have another

SDI-12 probe on C1 that has address 7, you could issue the identify command


Only one sensor of the same address can be connected when using the change

address command.

7.4.2 RS-232

RS-232 measurements of the OBS500 are typically made by a CR800, CR850,

CR1000, or CR3000 datalogger or an RTU device. The OBS500 field cable is

used and wired appropriately for the measurement device. See TABLE 7-8 for


TABLE 7-8. RS-232 Settings

Bits per second


Data bits




Stop bits


Flow control


Measurement commands are the same for RS-232 and SDI-12 as shown in

TABLE 7-7.

7.5 Calibration

7.5.1 Turbidity

Field recalibration is not recommended and usually not needed until the

OBS500 is sent back to Campbell Scientific for the two year service. We

recommend checking the calibration in the field as described below. If a

9-point calibration is needed, the OBS500 should be sent to Campbell

Scientific to perform the calibration.

The normalized response of an OBS500 sensor to SDVB turbidity over the

range from 0 to 4,000 TU is shown in FIGURE 7-5. As shown on the inset, the

response function is contained within region A, the linear region, of the