Campbell Scientific CS135 Lidar Ceilometer User Manual

Page 61

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User Guide


If detection status is 4 h1 =


Vertical visibility as calculated

If detection status is 0 or 5 h1 =



h2 (5 characters) = 2nd Height
If detection status is 2 or 3 h2 = Second highest cloud base reported
If detection status is 4 h2 =


Height of highest signal detected

If detection status is 0, 1 or 5 h2 =



h3 (5 characters) = 3rd Height
If detection status is 3 h3 = Highest cloud base reported
If detection status is 0, 1, 2, 4 or 5 h3 =



flags (8 characters) = Alarm or warning information 4-byte hex coded

Description of the most significant alarm word (left side, bits going left to right). Each alarm
word is a hexadecimal sum of all the error bits.
Bit Description
8000 XXXX

Transmitter shut-off

4000 XXXX

Transmitter failure

2000 XXXX

Receiver failure

1000 XXXX

DSP, voltage or memory failure

0800 XXXX

Reserved for future use

0400 XXXX

Reserved for future use

0200 XXXX

Reserved for future use

0100 XXXX

Reserved for future use

0080 XXXX

Window contaminated

0040 XXXX

Battery low

0020 XXXX

Transmitter expire warning

0010 XXXX

Heater or humidity sensor failure

0008 XXXX

High radiance warning, also XXXX 0004

0004 XXXX

DSP, receiver, or laser monitor failure warning

0002 XXXX

Relative humidity > 85 %

0001 XXXX

Light path obstruction, receiver saturation or receiver failure

Description of the second alarm word (bits going left to right)
Bit Description
XXXX 8000

Blower failure

XXXX 4000

Reserved for future use

XXXX 2000

Reserved for future use

XXXX 1000

Reserved for future use

XXXX 0800

Blower on

XXXX 0400

Blower heater on

XXXX 0200

Internal heater on

XXXX 0100

Units metres if on, feet if off.

XXXX 0080

Polling mode on

XXXX 0040

Working from battery

XXXX 0020

Always 0

XXXX 0010

Always 0

XXXX 0008

Tilt beyond limit set by user, default 45 degrees

XXXX 0004

High radiance warning, also 0008 XXXX

XXXX 0002

Reserved for future use

XXXX 0001

Reserved for future use

CR LF = Carriage Return + Line Feed